Architecture as conviction
The work of Gruber + Kleine-Kraneburg Architects is characterized, above all, by a sense of great responsibility and an independent architectural attitude. This results in a high level of commitment, the principle that we follow from the initial planning steps to the finished building. It guides us in our relationship to our clients just as much as in the context of public perception.

Distinctiveness and a clear identity are the guidelines for our design work and for an architectural language that embraces the spirit of the place. For us, the interaction of space, proportion, light, color and sensuality is an essential task of architecture that must be systematically developed, starting from the conceptual core, in order to give each building its very own aura.

Our pursuit of reduction is aimed at a comprehensible form of permanence and at precision that is visible and perceptible in the whole as well as in the smallest detail. This goes hand in hand with a demand for quality and perfection that combines aesthetics and constructive power with high efficiency. A holistic process that always keeps the relationship to and proportionality with man and the environment in mind.